Monday, 1 December 2008

This week

This week we are building sentences using verbs of liking (p29 in pink booklet) along with animal vocab (pp16-17) and also hobbies with faire and jouer (pp20-21)
We have games/activities to practise using this

1 What animals does X like? In 2 teams. First team A ask questions Est-ce que X aime les chats? Other team B has already decided what animals X likes. By listening to the answers Team A has to work out what the criteria are eg X like very small animals or animals that have an A in them or farm animals. Then swap over who asks the questions.

2 cards with 2 halves of the sentence - mix and match, make silly sentences. Play at random or choose cards. eg j'aime manger les chats Play in groups then read a favourite sentence each.

I'm aware we haven't done many songs.
We're singing song mon merle a perdu une plume on page 8 along with props!

Introducing some sports and hobbies (handout)
Saying what ones we like
Then onto which ones we do or play.
Writing some sentences on personal likes

3 "walkie talkie" find someone in the class who … (handout)
4 Using mini words cards again to build sentences with hobbies phrases

Some groups did not do the "walking dictation " last week when in the lab

we may also do some question forming, if time.


No further homework tasks
Next week: Christmas theme