Thursday, 27 November 2008

wiki change

I have realised that you can make changes to the wiki without logging in so I have changed the password to protect accidental changes to the settings. You will be able to edit as before. Just go straight to the page

Voki instructions for those absent this week

The task
To create a voki that resembles you and who will speak a few sentences in French about you.
To upload finished voki to our wiki
(If you are able to get sound into your computer record yourself reading your sentences and update your voki )
You might want to listen to some examples on the wiki first.
Go to Get started by registering an account. User name is an email which you need to access to activate your account. Then log in. You will see your log in on top right of page. If it is blank you won't be able to save your creation.
Then create a voki. Choose hair etc then background, clicking "done" when finished. Then "Give it a voice" by typing or pasting your text. Choose a French voice from the menu, clicking "done" when finished.

I now realise that there is a limit to how much text youcan have: only about 4-5 sentences (10 seconds worth) so choose good ones.
The text to speech feature will have trouble with English words so you may have to be inventive in the way you "spell" your name eg Sineaid might try something like "chine aide"
Listen to what it sounds like. If it goes too fast, put in extra spaces. Don't worry too much about accents unless é or è which affect pronunciation.

When happy with it you need to publish. "Send to a friend" ie email it to me

And then put it on the wiki for public appreciation!
Instructions for putting it on the wiki are here on the blog

You can go back and edit in voki later. I think the changes will upate on the wiki, unless possibly if it was me who uploaded it in which case you/I will have to do that bit again.

If you have a mic or another way of inputting your voice onto your computer you can put on about 60 seconds worth of recording either directly or by uploading mp3 file. I'm sure some of you are capable of this! And you can speak in your best accent in the privacy of your own home!

Wednesday, 26 November 2008

The vokis

Despite the trials and tribulations of the mac lab we have now got quite a lot of vokis posted on the wiki.

I think I have added all that were emailed to me. If anyone else wants me to do that last bit, mail me your voki and in the message say please post it. Otherwise have a go yourself.

Nominations are being taken for the voki that most resembles its creator. Nominate by commenting below this post. State the name of the person, the section and your name and section. I will try and organise an online vote (my next ICT challenge)

Tuesday, 25 November 2008

Option meeting

I would like to invite those of you who have selected the French option to a short meeting on Wednesday 3 December at 2 - 3 pm. This will give us a chance to discuss expectations and help me plan a course to suit. Can you let me know if this time is suitable by commenting or emailing me

Monday, 24 November 2008

Jose Picardo's post on using vokis

Jose Picardo teaches languages in England and has an excellent reflective blog called Box of Tricks. He uses ICT a lot in the classroom.
This is his post on vokis
Well worth a read!

Publishing your Voki to our Wikispace

When your voki is finished , click on "my voki" to get this view

in 1 select the last choice "java script"
in 2 select "small"
Click get code
Copy the code

Go to our wikispace (no need to log in)
Go to your section page
click edit this page
go to the icon that looks like a TV screen (widgets editor)
go to the last choice HTML
paste in code
type your name before it
click save

Bon courage!

Sunday, 23 November 2008

This week in emac lab

If you have earphones bring them to hear your voki.

If you already have a google account can you note down your log in. This is the first step to create a blog in blogger.

I have also created a class wikispace to showcase your work. Click here  
I have put up some of the wordles and toondoos but it was taking ages! The idea would be that you post your own! I'll give you the log in and a quick demo in class!

Wednesday, 19 November 2008

Week 48

I have booked the emac lab for all classes next week so go straight there. We will do our vokis (see previous post)  and create a blog! 
Bring folders of work to show me too. May have to arrange to see you outwith class time to get round them all. I am free Monday afternoon between 2- 3.30 and Tuesday between 2.45 -3.45 

Tuesday, 18 November 2008

personal writing

If I haven't marked your writing homework by end of this week's class can you email me it. I'll correct and return.

Please update your original piece of typing as we need the correct version for next stage of creating a voki. Please bring it on a stick or email it to yourself so that you have it for working on the computers next week!

Monday, 17 November 2008

Essay due date

During last week's lecture, taking into account the original published date of the assignment and the pressure of work, I have agreed that the asssignment 's due date in MONDAY 5 JANUARY at 3pm

If you have it ready before then that is great. I will accept submissions the last week of term, by Wednesday 10 December, 3pm.

Thursday, 13 November 2008

essay plan

As requested, I have now uploaded a (slightly updated) possible essay plan to blackboard.

Monday, 10 November 2008

Personal language - writing HW for wk 47 (updated)

Using your knowledge, write about 50 -150 words about yourself.

Beginners: stick to name, age, nationality, where you stay, family, favourite colour.
Others can add more if you can.

First read these 2 passages in quia which provide a model.

Success criteria
accurate spelling and grammar
word processed with accents

Save a digital copy - as next step, we will create something like this


Get a Voki now!

Saturday, 8 November 2008


I have uploaded several documents and papers to blackboard which may be helpful with the essay.

Tuesday, 4 November 2008

Listening homework for week beg 10 Nov

There is an excellent series on the BBC website calld Ma France. It is aimed at adult leaners and although not for complete beginners it is accessible since you can put on French or English subtitles or both or neither.
Choose one of these to watch 
no 7 family and animals
no 4 shopping which is culturally interesting
Start here
you can skip the intro
click on video to see the episodes

For the beginners there is another episode on the ma France video podcast series on alphabet, spelling and we met a Scottish-French family and see them playing some games. Click here 
select episode 2. Interesting and useful stuff!

Monday, 3 November 2008

Meet some young French people

Ayrshire Modern Languages Association (AMLA) is hosting a social evening for Ayrshire's foreign language assistants, French, German, Spanish, Chinese. All interested teachers are invited along.
It will take place in Greenwood Academy, Dreghorn, Irvine on Tuesday 2 December at 7pm. Refreshments will be served.
If you would like to attend please email me.
I'll be there!

Sunday, 2 November 2008

bring headphones!!

Can you bring along headphones with a stereo mini jack, the kind that plugs into ipod, walkman?

We can get the classroom in a box but they don't have headphones and so many of the activities involve sound. If you don't have them, you'll have to turn the sound off.