Thursday, 27 November 2008

Voki instructions for those absent this week

The task
To create a voki that resembles you and who will speak a few sentences in French about you.
To upload finished voki to our wiki
(If you are able to get sound into your computer record yourself reading your sentences and update your voki )
You might want to listen to some examples on the wiki first.
Go to Get started by registering an account. User name is an email which you need to access to activate your account. Then log in. You will see your log in on top right of page. If it is blank you won't be able to save your creation.
Then create a voki. Choose hair etc then background, clicking "done" when finished. Then "Give it a voice" by typing or pasting your text. Choose a French voice from the menu, clicking "done" when finished.

I now realise that there is a limit to how much text youcan have: only about 4-5 sentences (10 seconds worth) so choose good ones.
The text to speech feature will have trouble with English words so you may have to be inventive in the way you "spell" your name eg Sineaid might try something like "chine aide"
Listen to what it sounds like. If it goes too fast, put in extra spaces. Don't worry too much about accents unless é or è which affect pronunciation.

When happy with it you need to publish. "Send to a friend" ie email it to me

And then put it on the wiki for public appreciation!
Instructions for putting it on the wiki are here on the blog

You can go back and edit in voki later. I think the changes will upate on the wiki, unless possibly if it was me who uploaded it in which case you/I will have to do that bit again.

If you have a mic or another way of inputting your voice onto your computer you can put on about 60 seconds worth of recording either directly or by uploading mp3 file. I'm sure some of you are capable of this! And you can speak in your best accent in the privacy of your own home!

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