Monday, 1 December 2008

This week

This week we are building sentences using verbs of liking (p29 in pink booklet) along with animal vocab (pp16-17) and also hobbies with faire and jouer (pp20-21)
We have games/activities to practise using this

1 What animals does X like? In 2 teams. First team A ask questions Est-ce que X aime les chats? Other team B has already decided what animals X likes. By listening to the answers Team A has to work out what the criteria are eg X like very small animals or animals that have an A in them or farm animals. Then swap over who asks the questions.

2 cards with 2 halves of the sentence - mix and match, make silly sentences. Play at random or choose cards. eg j'aime manger les chats Play in groups then read a favourite sentence each.

I'm aware we haven't done many songs.
We're singing song mon merle a perdu une plume on page 8 along with props!

Introducing some sports and hobbies (handout)
Saying what ones we like
Then onto which ones we do or play.
Writing some sentences on personal likes

3 "walkie talkie" find someone in the class who … (handout)
4 Using mini words cards again to build sentences with hobbies phrases

Some groups did not do the "walking dictation " last week when in the lab

we may also do some question forming, if time.


No further homework tasks
Next week: Christmas theme

Thursday, 27 November 2008

wiki change

I have realised that you can make changes to the wiki without logging in so I have changed the password to protect accidental changes to the settings. You will be able to edit as before. Just go straight to the page

Voki instructions for those absent this week

The task
To create a voki that resembles you and who will speak a few sentences in French about you.
To upload finished voki to our wiki
(If you are able to get sound into your computer record yourself reading your sentences and update your voki )
You might want to listen to some examples on the wiki first.
Go to Get started by registering an account. User name is an email which you need to access to activate your account. Then log in. You will see your log in on top right of page. If it is blank you won't be able to save your creation.
Then create a voki. Choose hair etc then background, clicking "done" when finished. Then "Give it a voice" by typing or pasting your text. Choose a French voice from the menu, clicking "done" when finished.

I now realise that there is a limit to how much text youcan have: only about 4-5 sentences (10 seconds worth) so choose good ones.
The text to speech feature will have trouble with English words so you may have to be inventive in the way you "spell" your name eg Sineaid might try something like "chine aide"
Listen to what it sounds like. If it goes too fast, put in extra spaces. Don't worry too much about accents unless é or è which affect pronunciation.

When happy with it you need to publish. "Send to a friend" ie email it to me

And then put it on the wiki for public appreciation!
Instructions for putting it on the wiki are here on the blog

You can go back and edit in voki later. I think the changes will upate on the wiki, unless possibly if it was me who uploaded it in which case you/I will have to do that bit again.

If you have a mic or another way of inputting your voice onto your computer you can put on about 60 seconds worth of recording either directly or by uploading mp3 file. I'm sure some of you are capable of this! And you can speak in your best accent in the privacy of your own home!

Wednesday, 26 November 2008

The vokis

Despite the trials and tribulations of the mac lab we have now got quite a lot of vokis posted on the wiki.

I think I have added all that were emailed to me. If anyone else wants me to do that last bit, mail me your voki and in the message say please post it. Otherwise have a go yourself.

Nominations are being taken for the voki that most resembles its creator. Nominate by commenting below this post. State the name of the person, the section and your name and section. I will try and organise an online vote (my next ICT challenge)

Tuesday, 25 November 2008

Option meeting

I would like to invite those of you who have selected the French option to a short meeting on Wednesday 3 December at 2 - 3 pm. This will give us a chance to discuss expectations and help me plan a course to suit. Can you let me know if this time is suitable by commenting or emailing me

Monday, 24 November 2008

Jose Picardo's post on using vokis

Jose Picardo teaches languages in England and has an excellent reflective blog called Box of Tricks. He uses ICT a lot in the classroom.
This is his post on vokis
Well worth a read!

Publishing your Voki to our Wikispace

When your voki is finished , click on "my voki" to get this view

in 1 select the last choice "java script"
in 2 select "small"
Click get code
Copy the code

Go to our wikispace (no need to log in)
Go to your section page
click edit this page
go to the icon that looks like a TV screen (widgets editor)
go to the last choice HTML
paste in code
type your name before it
click save

Bon courage!

Sunday, 23 November 2008

This week in emac lab

If you have earphones bring them to hear your voki.

If you already have a google account can you note down your log in. This is the first step to create a blog in blogger.

I have also created a class wikispace to showcase your work. Click here  
I have put up some of the wordles and toondoos but it was taking ages! The idea would be that you post your own! I'll give you the log in and a quick demo in class!

Wednesday, 19 November 2008

Week 48

I have booked the emac lab for all classes next week so go straight there. We will do our vokis (see previous post)  and create a blog! 
Bring folders of work to show me too. May have to arrange to see you outwith class time to get round them all. I am free Monday afternoon between 2- 3.30 and Tuesday between 2.45 -3.45 

Tuesday, 18 November 2008

personal writing

If I haven't marked your writing homework by end of this week's class can you email me it. I'll correct and return.

Please update your original piece of typing as we need the correct version for next stage of creating a voki. Please bring it on a stick or email it to yourself so that you have it for working on the computers next week!

Monday, 17 November 2008

Essay due date

During last week's lecture, taking into account the original published date of the assignment and the pressure of work, I have agreed that the asssignment 's due date in MONDAY 5 JANUARY at 3pm

If you have it ready before then that is great. I will accept submissions the last week of term, by Wednesday 10 December, 3pm.

Thursday, 13 November 2008

essay plan

As requested, I have now uploaded a (slightly updated) possible essay plan to blackboard.

Monday, 10 November 2008

Personal language - writing HW for wk 47 (updated)

Using your knowledge, write about 50 -150 words about yourself.

Beginners: stick to name, age, nationality, where you stay, family, favourite colour.
Others can add more if you can.

First read these 2 passages in quia which provide a model.

Success criteria
accurate spelling and grammar
word processed with accents

Save a digital copy - as next step, we will create something like this


Get a Voki now!

Saturday, 8 November 2008


I have uploaded several documents and papers to blackboard which may be helpful with the essay.

Tuesday, 4 November 2008

Listening homework for week beg 10 Nov

There is an excellent series on the BBC website calld Ma France. It is aimed at adult leaners and although not for complete beginners it is accessible since you can put on French or English subtitles or both or neither.
Choose one of these to watch 
no 7 family and animals
no 4 shopping which is culturally interesting
Start here
you can skip the intro
click on video to see the episodes

For the beginners there is another episode on the ma France video podcast series on alphabet, spelling and we met a Scottish-French family and see them playing some games. Click here 
select episode 2. Interesting and useful stuff!

Monday, 3 November 2008

Meet some young French people

Ayrshire Modern Languages Association (AMLA) is hosting a social evening for Ayrshire's foreign language assistants, French, German, Spanish, Chinese. All interested teachers are invited along.
It will take place in Greenwood Academy, Dreghorn, Irvine on Tuesday 2 December at 7pm. Refreshments will be served.
If you would like to attend please email me.
I'll be there!

Sunday, 2 November 2008

bring headphones!!

Can you bring along headphones with a stereo mini jack, the kind that plugs into ipod, walkman?

We can get the classroom in a box but they don't have headphones and so many of the activities involve sound. If you don't have them, you'll have to turn the sound off.

Wednesday, 29 October 2008


Have discovered that sending me email via blackboard sends it to my old East Ayrshire email address, which I cannot access. You can email at
If you have sent any work to blackboard please resend.

Keep the wordles coming! You do need a recent version of java enabled. 
To make a word or words bigger type or paste them in more often.

Monday, 27 October 2008

Assignments for week beg 3 Nov

Reading    You are all welcome to try other groups' tasks.
do this exercise
note any vocab you had to look up (on
write in French what type you think you are and why.

Standard group
Simpson family. You may need to read beyond the answer space to find the answer.
note any new voc 
You don't need a password just hit play game!
To show you did this, print the last screen

Beginners group
personal language
work out the answers to the questions and

questions to go with the answers

To show you did this print the last screen

Wednesday, 22 October 2008

Next week's presentations

The format for next week will be
1 presentations from Higher group
you will present the new language and activity to the beginners' group. No need to prepare activity material for the whole class - just enough for some or all of the beginners. 
The Standard group will be peer assessing. As will the rest of the class.
2 Then the Standard group will talk to their presentations. You can bring any ppt or word doc on a memory stick to load onto the laptop at the beginning of the lesson or can send in advance by email. Make sure you tell me which section you are. Rest of class will peer assess the presentations. 
Hope we will get through all of them in the time. 
Beginners group will be the guinea pigs for the higher group. The date for your submissions is the following week. You don't have to present in front of the class unless you want to!
I'm really looking forward to seeing you in action!

Tuesday, 21 October 2008

ICT challenge number 2

Go to 
have a look in the Gallery
Wordle requires a browser with java enabled

Create a wordle to illustrate a phonic cloud such as you have been doing on the pink sheets and like the example I did for "oi" (see my post of the 17th October)
(If the beginners group find this too hard, type in a set of French numbers instead)

You don't need to log in
type your words (carefully!)
click go
play about with colour, fonts and layout (maybe best to avoid black background for printing)
when you are satisfied with the look, save to gallery (at bottom of window)
Give it a title eg French ui sounds and sign it with your first name, section and UWS
Save is undoable and undeletable
take a note of its URL and email it to me
print it out for your file, if you can!

A chance for those who failed with to redeem themselves!

Bon courage!

Friday, 17 October 2008

Wordle is a tool for presenting words in an eyecatching way. It is free and quick to use.

Here is one I did for OI sound. 

Here is another from the Gallery for numbers above 20

Can you think of other uses?

Tuesday, 14 October 2008

erratum and online ex

Oops sorry typo on nationalities sheet
Scottish masculine form is écossais
feminine form is écossaise

Have discovered quizlet and made up these vocab sets.
Play scatter is quite fun. the race game requires you to type.


you can search for other sets

Jobs - les métiers, Marital status

Useful for celeb presentations
Qu'est-ce qu'il fait dans la vie? What does he do for a living?

NB no word for "a" in these expressions
il est acteur - elle est actrice
il est chanteur - elle est chanteuse (singer)
il est footballeur
il est millionnaire

il est marié avec X
elle est mariée avec X

Monday, 13 October 2008


I have spoken to the library staff about making more of the books available on 3 day loans. Paul had asked about where to find Standard Circular 1178 online. I have drawn a blank there too. It is quoted in the books though.

Language Assignments

This week I will be reseating you in ability groups and setting appropriate language homework.

Higher and above Group
Standard grade group
Beginners and near beginners

The tasks will be explained in class. For the sake of this morning's group here they are.

Higher Group

due date week beg 27 Oct

In pairs, following the general order in FC presentation handout, prepare a presentation of about 6 items of voc followed by a pupil activity in context.

You will be told which vocabulary to prepare. Start by thinking what would be a suitable activity to do with pupils, This will inform you which article to teach with the noun. Use visual aids eg fcs or objects.

eg if pupils are going to have to say I like cats I don’t like dogs
then teach the plural of the nouns along with “les” since they will be saying “j’aime les chats”

Write out the presentation in note form but including the French instructions

You will be asked to present it together with your partner in front of class or group. It should last 5 – 10 minutes.

Success criteria
show an understanding of the methodology
good visuals – flashcards or objects
correct grammar eg gender
good pronunciation
brisk delivery
suitable support for the activity
enjoyable for teacher and class
good collaborative work

Standard group
Due date week begin 27 October

In pairs, prepare in French a presentation on a celebrity to include personal information eg name, age, birthday, where born, nationality, languages spoken, where s/he lives, family, what s/he does for a living ca 150 words
You will be expected to deliver it in front of class. You don’t have to memorise it.

Format: any PPT, Word or poster with photo plus text maybe audio pre-recorded or just read.

Success criteria
attractive to look at
accurate writing: spelling grammar,
good pronunciation
confident delivery
shared presentation

Beginners group due date week beg 3 Nov
You should be concentrating on building up your core vocab.
I will discuss with each group a suitable task
You could try a similar presentation to the Standard group with 50 words
stick to what we have done in class

Sunday, 12 October 2008

More files uploaded

I have uploaded to blackboard: assessment record,
Powerpoints on the verb to be and another on regular -er verbs for those who need it.
Also notes on countries and nationalities for this week, and on colours as some asked for it.

Friday, 10 October 2008

The cartoon challenge

I am enjoying your cartoons.
Cartoons created in UWSclass appear in In menu Toons, MyToonsDoos. Other ones can be marked as favourites and appear in Galleries>My favourites. I am posting comments as I find them. Please remember to add your name. A few are unsigned!
Please go back and look.

Strangely not all the cartoons seem to showing up. It says there are 25 but I can only see 14. Maybe best to do your own log in, publish to the world and let me know the URL.

Here are some nice examples!

\Bon Anniversaire\

\French Introductions\

Thursday, 9 October 2008

Reading Update

The key text book for this module is Jones and Coffey modern foreign languages 5-11- a guide for teachers. 
If you want to buy one this would be the most helpful. 
Chapter One gives a good background into thinking behind  an early start. Chapter 4 gives ideas on presenting language and ties in very nicely with what we are doing at present. seems to be particularly slow in the afternoon and evening. if you are having trouble, try logging on in the morning while the US is asleep!!

About 10 of you still have to fill in the form asking for information. Please do this before next week. You know who you are!

Tuesday, 7 October 2008

Writing Challenge (updated)

For week beginning 13 October your challenge is to create a brief dialogue using only some of language we have done eg greetings, name, age, colours.

This is also an ICT challenge - create a comic strip in or if you know of something similar that will do the job that is fine too.

Log in to
EITHER Register your own account for privacy
Remember to note your username and password!
OR use an account I created user name UWSclass PW craigie
Everyone can see everyone else's then!

Have a look around eg do a search for French

I will do a quick demo in tutorial this week but it is pretty intuitive. Drag shapes to the boxes. Add your name to the title bar. Put "tags" like French and name for easy searching.
If using your own account, once you have created your masterpiece "share" it with me by emailing it. You can print it for your files if you wish!

Have fun!

Here is my first attempt

\French intros \

Sunday, 5 October 2008

Models of MLPS delivery

Models of delivering the teaching of MLPS in Scotland

1. Secondary specialist visits

2. Peripatetic teacher visits several schools

3. Trained primary teacher – class teacher

4. Trained primary teacher – drop in teacher

5. Native speaker eg Comenius assistant

6. Immersion eg Gaelic Medium schools

7. partial immersion eg Walker Road school in Aberdeen

1. Secondary specialist visits – has good knowledge of language and teaching methods, if from associated secondary school benefits for transition of knowing the pupils when they get to S1. May underestimate capabilities of primary pupils. Problems associated with drop in teaching – once a week, timetabling, cancelled classes etc Tried in pilot but not widely successful

2. Peripatetic teacher visits several schools – will usually be well qualified, often native speaker. Problems associated with drop in teaching – timetabling cancelled classes etc
Expensive, short term solution

3. Trained primary teacher – class teacher, can do some every day

4. Trained primary teacher – drop in teachers. In some schools used to cover McCrone time, or when trained teacher teaches in lower school.

5. Native speaker eg Comenius assistant. Great for culture. short term additional support

6. Immersion eg Gaelic Medium schools – very successful, very expensive, difficulties recruiting staff. 80% of pupils have no Gaelic background

7. Partial Immersion eg Walker Road school in Aberdeen. also very successful has now been stopped due to financial situation

Walker Road Evaulation 2000 – 2008

Les couleurs

rouge bleu vert jaune
orange violet rose gris
marron noir blanc
bleu foncé bleu clair
or argent (gold and silver)
C'est quelle couleur? C'est bleu (what colour is it? It's blue)
Moi, j'aime le rose. I like pink
Quelle est ta couleur préférée? What is your favourite colour?
Ma couleur préférée est le violet. My favourite colour is purple
Je n'aime pas le vert.. I don't like green.

mais = but for "fat" sentences!
J'aime le rose et le bleu mais ma couleur préférée est le violet.


You already have a lot of reading to do. No written work for this week.

I have now uploaded ppt of last week's lecture and the one on conjugations to Blackboard. There are links to online exercises on it and other exercises in these posts. Links are red in colour!

Work at numbers. This week we will add colours to our repertoire.
My links to colour activities

Saturday, 4 October 2008

Quel âge as-tu? (updated post)

Quel âge as-tu? What age are you? How old are you?

J'ai neuf ans.

Note you are really saying I have 9 years so you can't miss out the ans as you can in English since it won't make sense!

Moi, j'ai neuf ans, et toi? I'm 9 what about you?
Moi aussi, j'ai neuf ans. I'm nine too. (Note the position of "aussi")

To give other ages, you need the present tense of the verb to have, avoir
j'ai - I have
tu as - you have
il a - he has
elle a - she has
nous avons - we have
vous avez - you have
ils ont- they have
elles ont - they have (all F)

Question forms with inversion
Quel âge as-tu?
Quel âge avez-vous?
Quel âge a Pierre?
Quel a-t-il?
Quel âge a-t-elle?

I am uploading ppt file with subject replacement and present tense avoir to blackboard

Tuesday, 30 September 2008


I have uploaded a couple of good papers to the Bibliography in Blackboard.

Following an enquiry from a student regarding which of course books to buy, my advice would be borrow them from the library!

Sunday, 28 September 2008

SALT conference 1 November

The annual conference of the Scottish Association of Language Teachers (SALT) takes place on Saturday 1st November at the University of Stirling.
There is a varied programme of keynote speakers, 3 seminars from a choice of 29 covering primary and secondary, plus publishers' displays and freebies. The cost is £58 (£18 for students) including coffee and lunch.
It is a very enjoyable and worthwhile day.
More info online

Thursday, 25 September 2008

les nombres

In the tutorials we'll be working on numbers next week. If you want a head start:-

links to lots of number activity sites here

Wednesday, 24 September 2008

Carla Bruni

Je vous ai promis Carla Bruni, femme du Président Nicolas Sarkozy. Et voilà!
Quelqu'un m'a dit

young French people in Ayrshire

There are several young (early twenties) French, Spanish, German and 1 Chinese language assistants living in Ayrshire - Kilmarnock, Ayr, Irvine, Ardrossan. If any of you would like to meet them socially let me know and I will give you some more info.

French and other world languages

francophone is the French adjective for French speaking
France about has information on who speaks French, numbers and countries etc

French speaking countries here, in English!

As for the most widely spoken here are some interesting lists. Note the date of 1997. Here is another list dated 2006.

Tuesday, 23 September 2008


Listen to the pronunciation of single letters here

Say the word you want spelt, then

comment ça s'écrit? how is that written? eg

Votre (ton)  nom de famille, comment ça s'écrit?

A is for …       A comme …

Alphabet song Canadian choir jazzy karaoke 
je sais que tout va changer
là où le courant te mène
plus tard que deviendras-tu?
quand tu ouvriras tes ailes

usual alphabet song
xxyz OK
ça c'est l'aphabet français

Nice alphabet poster showing French handwriting

Monday, 22 September 2008

Quel est votre nom?

Quel est votre nom? Mon nom est Kay McMeekin

French people usually give their surname only. Mon nom est Lafarge.
and their signature is just the surname.
Otherwise they give their surname followed by their first name, LAFARGE Paul. This can cause confusion when you give your name to a French person!

Mon nom de famille est McMeekin Mon prénom est Kay

Be prepared to spell your name!

Les prénoms

Here you can find the most popular first names by year from 1940!
or this site from 1900 - 2006
What names do French people your age have? Pick one you like to be your "French" name!

Saints' days (la fête) are celebrated like birthdays in France. People will say bonne fête. Everyone knows when your saint's day is. Find out here

Comment t'appelles-tu?

Je m'appelle Kay. Et toi?

Stand in a circle and throw a soft toy randomly (or seemingly randomly - start with pupils you know will cope!) Pupils throw toy back to you. When more confident they can throw toy to other pupils.

Then, instead of et toi, use the question Comment t'appelles-tu?
This is the normal way of asking when talking to someone younger or the same age and status.

A more casual form you may be familiar with is Comment tu t'appelles? It means the same but is more informal.

The correct way of forming a question is using inversion - ie verb before subject and joined with a hyphen.

Here are the other questions and answers
Comment t'appelles-tu? Je m'appelle …
Comment vous appelez-vous? Je m'appelle …
Comment s'appelle ton père? Il s'appelle André.
or Mon père s'appelle André.
Comment s'appelle-t-il? Il s'appelle …

Comment s'appellent tes frères? Ils s'appellent Paul et Pierre. or Mes frères s'appellent …
Comment s'appellent-ils? Ils s'appellent Paul et Pierre.

Comment s'appelle-t-elle? Elle s'appelle

is for adults (or plural)
Note the single -l- in the vous form
the "-t-" is there for ease of pronunciation
The "-ent" verb ending is pronounced the same as the "-e" ending

Online quia exercise

Hot potatoes ordering exercise

BEd students

Please complete this form and submit! It will save me a lot of typing!

Thursday, 4 September 2008

Bonjour et bienvenue

Welcome to this blog of grammar and teaching notes to support teaching French in primary schools.